
Bumper Element Vapor Comp for Iphone 4G|4S High Quality

Element Case Vapor Comp for Iphone 4G|4S
The distinctive characteristic of this case is the highly resistant polycarbonate used to cover the sides, no more signal problems and it also increases shock resistance.
With it’s ultra-modern design, the quality and the finish of this bumper case, your iPhone will become an object of rare beauty: frame made with anodized aluminum alloy, padded edges…
Pada bagian dalam case terdapat bantalan sehingga tidak membuat" scratch "pada bezel iphone, terdapat sticker berbahan beludru untuk melindungi bagian belakang iphone (lihat gambar)
Anda akan mendapatkan :Obeng Box, Sticker berbahan bludru, Screen Guard, 2 Screws cadangan
Ready :Black, White, Red
Harga : 200rb (Free Ongkir Jabodetabek)

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